Tuesday, October 27, 2009

History, Maths & Geography by mark 7-8 ish

History: A Tudor sailor

Not really sure about the historical accuracy of this one.
"in Tudor times the only job you could get was to be a sailor"
"the main thing you could eat was a stale biscuit with a maggot in"

But nice to see the motifs of my art reocurring, the bloody knife held by a sailor who looks like a giant elf.

Maths: "I collected 10 star wars toys and for a treat daddy gave me 3 more. How many have I now?"

Do you recognise all of the Star Wars characters? Love the Stormtrooper boobs in this picture. I remember there were a lot of these draw the addition assignments - it could be quite tiring and i would end up drawing smaller and rougher pictures as i went along.

Georgraphy: A contour map of the antartic shelf, in 3-D layers made out of cardboard

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