Saturday, June 21, 2003

Ashley Amos net update

Bored on the net I did a search for old bangers and ash face.

Tom came in at first place with his shrine. Damn his eyes. Description: The Ashley Amos Shrine. In friendly competition with Mark Seddon’s Ashley shrine.
My Ashley site came in at second place. Description: Ashley Amos All bow down before the man they call Amos! Set up to rival Tom Davies’ shrine.
Nice to see we're both very self-referential.

Also, this from the guild election site. What a photo to use. He looks severely constipated.

On The Times website a certain Ashley Amos from Sevenoaks, Kent asks:
How difficult was it to take a section of the media to court whilst enjoying a high profile role within that same industry?
This must be him?

A BBC talking point website on the subject of a German professor who has carried out a public autopsy as part of a controversial art exhibition in London features a post from Ashley Amos, Exeter, UK
When I was editing the student newspaper at university, we covered a visit by Prof. Von Hagens' Bodyworlds exhibition to campus. It was judged a rather macabre indulgence by the majority of students who had a look around. Despite that however, few could walk past the exhibition without taking a closer look. People like Prof. Von Hagens are playing on the dark recesses of our curiosity.
The ever quotable Ash has part of his text highlighted: " People like Von Hagens are playing on the dark recesses of our curiosity "

And thus endeth my search.

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