Sunday, October 21, 2007

Is it a bird? Is it a plane?

No, its someone who finds out that he has to present the ice-breaker activity at his work's annual conference in front of 120 ish people, with only half an hours notice.

I was on the organising committee, and had prepared this fun activity based on "Top Trumps" - on my powerpoint slide are photos of two members of the finance team with various categories underneath. The audience have to guess who has the highest score in a selected category, before it is revealed. The compere for the day was supposed to present all this, and had (apparently, though there is no evidence of this) been practicing his timing etc. Then on the morning of the conference he phones to say he was ill and won't be coming... So as the person who prepared the slides, I have to step up and present the slides...

With no practice of presenting the slides (apart from checking they didn't have any errors or anything) I hadn't practiced the timing, so I rushed through them a wee bit, but the audience seemed to enjoy it, and I got some nice feedback from people about it - attendees filled in a questionnaire for the day, and my activity got one of the highest ratings.

Then in the evening, we had a nice do - with a meal, a band and DJ, with Nintendo Wiis to play, and of course, fancy dress. The theme was "famous characters".

Me with the rest of the Justice League

I even made up this card as part of my costume:

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